
Good stuff coming soon

Saturday 9th January, 2021 —

It's been 3 years that we've started the SkyApp adventure, and it's been a very exciting journey so far. We've built themes and templates, worked on customer projects and learned a lot of things about design and the web in general. However, we feel we reached a turning point, it's time for us to grow better and stronger.

Growing better and stronger

Over the last 3 years we started the business with a very simple infrastructure and an old fashioned server configuration. At that time, we weren't expecting, even for a second, having so much traffic on our website and on our products. Since then, we sold more than 5000 products to customers from all around the globe.

However, that simple infrastructure quickly reached it's limits, and our ISP eventually failed on a regular basis, causing trouble on our service, which is completely wrong with the path we initially wanted to follow regarding customer service. At that time we didn't have a precise idea of how we could migrate our services to a more reliable ISP without causing more trouble. Today, we're proud to say that this era is over. We have completed the migration of all our service to a new, more powerful and more reliable ISP.

Heavy changes in our production workflows

We already talked about old fashionned servers. Our workflow was that way as well. We used to manage product development with traditional git repos, and manual upload via FTP to deploy updates. We've changed all of that for the sake of productivity and efficiency. We know have a fully working (yet in constant improvement) continuous delivery workflow. Our deployment process is also automated, allowing us to do continuous integration, relying on the power of docker containers.

We partnered up with

A business journey gets even more interesting when you start to meet awesome people, who share the same vision that you have. This happened when we met the guys from, a team specialized in Node JS development, and active contributors to Strapi and to the VueJS ecosystem. We quickly decided to work together as we have a lot in common, and share the same goals. If you'd like to have some Node JS project done by professionals, including code and visual quality at very high standards, then you should definitely check their website and ask for a quote.

We'll be collaborating deeper and deeper with Digisquad and we'll have further annoucements to share with you in the near future.

Next generation products

This year, we'll be releasing a wider range of products. Like we said in our previous post, we dropped jQuery support and we will be focusing on crafting products that will be using modern technologies, frameworks and sets of tools, like Vue3, ReactJS, AlpineJS, bulma, Tailwind CSS and Vite as our main javascript bundler.

Help us delivering you a high quality experience

Before concluding this post, we'd like to ask you a favor. We'd like to ask you what you want to see the most on SkyApp, as we intend to build products that will be answers to real life use cases. Your feedback is extremely precious to us, therefore we'd like to ask you to fill out a quick survey (< 2 minutes) so we can learn more about your expectations, when purchasing web application templates. All people that will fill the survey will get an exclusive 20% coupon on their next purchase on SkyApp.

Fill the survey {."button is-primary is-raised is-medium"}

A million thanks to our customers from all over the world! Thanks a lot for your support and for your trust. We're growing stronger, and we'll have a lot of new awesome stuff coming up for you this year.

See you soon on SkyApp!

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