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Top 10 Vue Components Libraries
We have collected the best Vue components libraries for you. These libraries will help you to build your next Vue project.

How to build a filterable list with Nuxt and Tailwind
In this tutorial, we'll give a look on list rendering with transitions and filtering using Nuxt and Tailwind CSS.

Let's build a brand context menu
When I first discovered this, I immediately thought that's a fantastic UX and wanted to do the same for SkyApp. Why not learn how you can do it for your own website?

Bulma grid with an alpine JS loop
Alpine.js is a simplistic and lightweight javascript framework that offers the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost.

Good stuff coming soon
It's been 3 years that we've started the SkyApp adventure, and it's been a very exciting journey so far. We've built themes and templates, worked on customer projects and learned a lot...

We're dropping jQuery support
I've been working with jQuery for several years and I was always happy doing so, as jQuery quickly became my best companion in web development. But you know, things change and it's time to move on.

We are Envato Elite
It's been 3 years since we initially began our journey on Envato Market. Last week, we finally unlocked an achievement every Envato author wnats to reach: the Elite author level.

Our Partnership with Appseed
We are very pleased to annouce that we recently partnered with Appseed, an intelligent tool to speed up your design and development process. But wait a minute, what is Appseed?

Karma | Website Design
Karma is a social network (a cryptocurrency based on the EOSIO standard, and a mobile app) designed for those who create the value, to actually earn it. Users are incentivized to do good, share...

Simple loader with Bulma
Using loaders is quite a common thing when you have to build websites and applications. They a re a great help in making users wait while the page content is still loading, often represented by a spinning shape...

Karma | Website Design
Arkvatar is the first ever address linked avatar system in the crypto space and you can use it to create yourself a unique avatar that is based off your Crypto address. The service was to primarily be utilized for Ark...

Working with CSS ellipsis
Css ellipsis behaves the same way as when you are enumerating things and ending prematurely your enumeration using the "etc..." particle. In other words, CSS ellipsis is a tool that you can...

Bulkit on Cyber Monday
Envato's Cyber Monday is back once again this year with tons of discounted premium items. This year, our Template Bulkit will part of this promotional event. Don't miss this chance to get a 50% discount on Bulkit!

Bulma message box
Recently i was playing on Codepen with a little message box i've made with Bulma. I was looking for a way to create a nice and smooth success animation, only with CSS and tiny bits of Javascript.

Facebook Placeholders
A while ago, the great and (not always) glorious Facebook introduced content placeholders that appear to users while the page content is still being loaded, yielding a fantastic user experience.

Checkbox Madness
Checkboxes are a common html element that is used everyday by designers and developers when working on a website or on an app project. Let's see how we can use it to create something else.

Fresh ported to Hugo
Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. It offers a lot of different themes out of the box. It even now features a port of one of our freebies, the Fresh landing page template.

Fresh ported to Hugo
SkyApp is now an official Envato Market author. Our first template has been approved by the ThemeForest Review Team ! Quite a journey began for us, and we want to share some parts of it with you.

Code a material raised button
Today we are going to make a nice looking like button inspired from the Google material design guidelines. It will be a very quick tutorial in wich we will use only CSS.

4 Outstanding scrolling designs
Along with browsers and javascript improvements, scrolling page designs have been growing trendy these last few months, here are 4 delightful examples that i picked for your from Dribbble.

Let's make a Like button
There are many cool like animations and interactions on the social web, like on Twitter and many others. What if we made our own CSS like button ? That shouldn't be to hard. Alright let's dive in !

Coding fixed Sidebars in a breeze
Sidebars often made frontend developers struggle, as they easily break when you start adding more and more content and effects. Let's see how to build some clean sidebars, without any plugin.

Code an avatar card
Nowadays, who doesn't like to build card components. I guess no one does. For our first code series, we are going to build a card component with an absolutely positioned fancy avatar.

We are live !
Finally, SkyApp is live ! After several months of work, and unknown cafeine and pizza quantities, our website is on air and we hope that you will be soon an active part of our community.

5 Stunning landing pages
The web is full of outrageously talented designers, and awesome places where you can browse their work and get some inspiration for your projects. Let's see today's curation.